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Shades of Pink

Shades of Pink

Ref: BB12

Year: 2011
Medium: Ceramic
Support: Wall mounted
Height : 140mm
Width: 190mm
Depth: 80mm



From the Exhibition: Beyond Borders

Umbrella Studio of Contemporary Arts
Collection of: Private

Photographed by: Louise Middleton


    Beyond Borders 

    The exhibition Beyond Borders explores the commonality of our human relationship with place, and our emotional attachment to the objects with which we surround ourselves.

    No matter our country of birth, our ethnicity, the colour of our skin, our religous affiliations, our height, age,weight or gender, our memories, unique to each of us, bind us to our past and influence our future.

    Some memories, buried so very deep in our psyches you would imagine them beyond recall, can be jolted suddenly, and sometimes traumatically, to the present by a mere glimpse of what may appear to others as a mundane object of no consequence.

    This recognition of the emotional attachment to objects felt by each other as individuals is something we can all relate to. We understand the way in which the sight or touch of items which appear of no significance to others can cause memories of people and places to come flooding back, and when in the media, we witness victims of natural disasters returning to the place their homes once stood, we can empathise with the survivors as we see them searching desperately for something, anything, that binds them to that which they have so suddenly lost.

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