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Project: Restore

Project: Restore

Year: 2020

Project: Restore

Medium: Found steel box, ceramic, bones, text

Height: 41cm

Width: 65cm

Depth: 40cm



From the Exhibition: Liminal Space

Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts

Photographed by: Andrew Rankin

Collection of: Private


    Like our King Island dwarf emus that died in Paris, many other species suffered the same fate, being sent as either live or stuffed specimens to Natural History Museums around the world including those in Florence, Vienna, Liverpool, Leiden, Tring, U.K., Berlin, New York, Paris and Washington . Specimens are also held in a number of collections in Australia. It is from these types of collections that the possibility of resurrecting extinct species using genetic technology and DNA from museum samples has caught scientific and public interest. The mixed media work Project: Restore contains museum samples from extinct Australian species for the extraction of DNA samples to enable initial development of de-extinction strategies.



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©2021 Jenny Mulcahy. All rights reserved. All images contained in this site are under automatic copyright to the artist. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of any image may be reproduced by any process without written permission of the artist. Enquiries should be addressed to Jenny Mulcahy.

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