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Peter Dutton's Drawers of Inequities

Peter Dutton's Drawers of Inequities

Dutton's Drawers of Inequities were made for a 2021 exhibition marking the 60th Birthday of Amnesty International. This work is partnered with Biloela Girls. In the lead up to the exhibition entitled Lighting the Dark, when this work was being constructed, Peter Dutton was Home Affairs Minister, prior to that he was Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. In March  2021 he was sworn in  as the Minister for Defence. In each of these roles he has demonstrated hard nosed attitudes and lack of compassion for refugees.


  •  The first drawer is entitled Lack of compassion /God powers and references  child refugees held on Nauru and the lack of transparency and fairness around immigration policies
  •  The second drawer, entitled Manus references the bad treatment of those held in detention on Manus Island
  • The third drawer, entitled  We finally got freedom  references the Iranian family released  in Darwin after 8 years on Nauru and a further 12 months in hotel detention and is a call for all those still in hotel detention to be released.
  • The fourth and final drawer entitled  Where are they? references the various places of detention that  those seeking refuge are detained by the Australian Government.



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    P: 0402 860 564


    ©2021 Jenny Mulcahy. All rights reserved. All images contained in this site are under automatic copyright to the artist. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of any image may be reproduced by any process without written permission of the artist. Enquiries should be addressed to Jenny Mulcahy.

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